It is 2025, why are we still buying 100% polyester?
It is 2025, why are we still buying 100% polyester?
That is the question that made me start this blog. Why are we still doing the things that we know are not good for us?
I think there are 3 reasons:
Scared of costs
Lacking information
1. Overwhelm
There is simply too much (mis)information online about things that are very simple. Also, it can feel like you do everything wrong. You start to reflect on your own life, your own habits.
2. Scared of costs
100% organic cotton T-shirt in this economy?? Girl yes! In this economy (and state of earth) you have to invest in pieces you can still wear in 2035 instead of buying a 7$ 100% polyester T-shirt from the P-store that you don’t love anymore after 5 washes. Evey week it is being pushed more to the back of the drawer. You don’t choose that T-shirt anymore. The board of the neckline is wrinkly and the sleeves are not sitting nicely around your arms
Let’s be honest, you don’t immediately throw away the tshirt you bought 2 months ago. But after it survived two closet clean-ups, you finally get the courage to dispose this item that you haven’t been wearing for 14 months.
That is a cost per wear of $1.40!
Think about the cost per wear of a high quality organic T-shirt from Organic Basics with a 33$ price tag that you wear 2 times a month for 3 years.
3. Lacking information
Too much information is one thing, but if you lack the right information, you are still not well informed. Wearing (organic) cotton has so many benefits that you might not know about. One of them is that your skin is able to breath (your armpits will thank you). Learn more about the benefits of wearing 100% natural fibers like cotton.
Let me know down blow why you think we are still buying 100% polyester clothing!
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